Our boxing cross training will toughen up even the toughest football player around, they will hit harder, they will get off the line quicker. We will increase their endurance, speed, agility, quickness, balance, eye foot coordination and eye hand coordination which are all high demands of football players.
Boxing increases stamina in both anaerobic and aerobic cardio outputs due to the high demand put on the body when throwing many punches in combinations at any given time, using muscle groups in the entire body. Foot work is a very important part of boxing which increases speed, agility, quickness and balance.
As for lineman they too need to be able to use your feet with speed, agility, quickness while keeping your balance. The self confidence that is gained from boxing benefits everyone, both on the street and on the field, you will become a more aggressive, tough athlete. Boxing increases endurance, upper body and core strength stamina and stability which will make you a faster, stronger ultimate football player.
Our boxing cross training will increase your stamina, endurance, strength, balance, speed, agility and quickness in both your hands and your feet – making you the ultimate basketball player. Your eye/hand and eye/foot coordination will improve – in turn making you faster and quicker – with your hands and on your feet.
Boxing increases upper body and core strength and stability, which will give you the edge when you are battling for the ball. Boxing increases stamina in both anaerobic and aerobic cardio outputs due to the high demand put on the body when throwing many punches in combinations at any given time, using muscle groups in the entire body.
The self confidence that is gained from boxing benefits everyone –both on the street and on the court –you will become a more aggressive, tough athlete.